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What We Offer / Lo que ofrecemos



Commercial Vehicles / Vehículos comerciales

SR 22

Non-Owners Policy

Renters / Seguro de Inquilinos

Liability / Responsabilidad con los demás

Liability coverage pays for damages due to bodily injury and property damage to others for which you are responsible. if you are sued, it also pays for your defense and court costs.

Responsabilidad a terceros; cobertura paga los daños debidos a lesiones corporales y daños a la propiedad de otros de los cuales usted es responsable. Si es demandado, también paga sus costos de defensa y corte.

Comprehensive and Collision / Comprensivo y colisión

Collision Insurance covers damage to your vehicle in the event of a covered accident involving a collision with another vehicle. Comprehensive car insurance pays for damage to your vehicle caused by covered events such as theft, vandalism, or hail, which are not collision-related.

El seguro de colisión cubre daños a su vehículo en caso de un accidente cubierto que involucre una colisión con otro vehículo. El seguro Comprehensivo del automóvil paga los daños a su vehículo causados por eventos cubiertos como robo, vandalismo o granizo, que no están relacionados con una colisión.

About Us / Sobre nosotros

Hi / Hola

Let us do the shopping for you by quoting with multiple insurance carriers to find you the best coverage at an affordable cost for you with instant proof of insurance.

Permítanos hacer la compra por usted al cotizar con múltiples empresas de seguros para encontrar la mejor cobertura a un costo asequible para usted con un comprobante de seguro instantáneo.


Purpose / Proposito

We are located in Overland as an independent agent broker serving residents anywhere in the states of Missouri and Illinois.

Estamos ubicados en Overland como un agente independiente que presta servicios a residentes en cualquier lugar de los estados de Missouri e Illinois.

Mandatory Automobile Liability Insurance

If you own or operate a motor vehicle in Missouri, you are required by law to insure that automobile with coverage for injuries you cause to another, for at least $25,000 per person, $50,000 per accident, and $25,000 for property damage. The Department of Revenue is now tracking drivers to make sure they keep their liability insurance policies in force. If you let your coverage lapse, you will be subject to suspension of the vehicle's registration and possibly your driver's license.
